【魔戒重现 逐焰中洲】
【中土英雄 纳入麾下】
【奇幻巨作 亲临探索】
【烽火重燃 续写史诗】
【同盟奋战 善用权谋】
About NetEase Games
NetEase Games is the online games pision of NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES; HKEX: 9999), developing and operating some of the most popular PC-client and mobile games in markets including China and Japan. As one of the world's largest incubators of quality online game content, NetEase Games is dedicated to supporting the growth of innovative studios around the globe and growing an international presence along the way. To complement its self-developed games and world-class R&D capabilities, NetEase Games also partners with other industry leaders including Blizzard Entertainment, Mojang AB (a Microsoft subsidiary) and other global game developers to operate some of the most popular international online games in China. For more information, please visit neteasegames.yzz.cn.
About Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment is a premier worldwide publisher, developer, licensor and distributor of entertainment content for the interactive space across all platforms, including console, handheld, mobile and PC-based gaming for both internal and third-party game titles.
About Middle-earth EnterprisesInspired by a deep appreciation for the fictional world created by J.R.R. Tolkien, Middle-earth Enterprises is dedicated to working with businesses providing quality products in accordance with best green business and sustainability practices, including fair trade, equality in the workplace, and a commitment to protect our earth, its wondrous beauty and the viability of every living creature. Middle-earth Enterprises has produced and licensed films, merchandise and stage productions based on The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit books for more than four decades.?With headquarters located in Berkeley, California, its website may be found at www.middleearth.yzz.cn.
The video game entitled THE LORD OF THE RINGS: RISE TO WAR is developed and published by?NetEase Interactive Entertainment Pte. Ltd/ NetEase (Hangzhou) Network Co. Ltd. /Hong Kong NetEase Interactive Entertainment Limited ?(“NetEase”).
THE LORD OF THE RINGS: RISE TO WAR video game software ?NetEase
All The Lord of the Rings film content 2023New Line Productions, Inc.
All The Lord of the Rings content other than content from the New Line films ? 2023 Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC.
The Lord of the Rings: Rise to War, The Lord of the Rings, and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC under license to?WB GAMES INC.
WB GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD: & Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s23)
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